setting initial/default window geometry?

Keith Kyzivat
Thu, 13 Feb 2003 20:33:01 -0500

I've got Konq/E running under Qt/E 2.3.2 up and running good on an 
Embedded Planet RPX862 board (have for a while now), but I'm not sure 
how I go about setting the initial geometry of the page.  I'd like it to 
come up maximized..

Another thing I'd like to be able to do is to remove the toolbar and 
status bar, so it comes up in a 'kiosk' mode..  (better yet would be to 
even remove the window border widget, but that's a Qt/E specific issue, 
methinks -- if anyone has any tips on that though, I'd be glad to hear 
them ^_^.

Oh, and for anyone trying to cross-compile Konq/E for the RPX8xx, I had 
troubles linking when using binutils 2.11.x (I think 2.11.9).  When I 
moved up to using 2.12.1, everything linked properly, and Konq ran 