DCOP stubs

Luciano Montanaro mikelima at virgilio.it
Tue Apr 29 18:58:55 CEST 2003

Hi to everybody.
I noticed today that cookies are not working on the head. I think the problem 
is related to the fact that now kcookiejar is implemented as a kded module, 
and so dcop messages are routed to the wrong object.
The http ioslave wants to send a message to the kded program, and within it to
either the kcookiejar or kssld objects.

As a workaround, I am going to change the DCOPObject and DCOPDispatcher
process() calls to use the objId instead of the appId as it is currently the 
case. Does this make sense? Do you see any problem arising from this?


Luciano Montanaro// My public GPG key can be  /"\ ASCII RIBBON
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