Lot of compilation problems

Matteo Pampolini matteo.pampolini at ciaolab.com
Tue Apr 8 16:56:27 CEST 2003

Hi everybody,

I'm trying to compile Konq/E using

cvs co kdenox
cvs co -r KDE_BRANCH_3_1 kdelibs

but, as I noticed from list archive, I got in trouble
because of lot of compilation errors.

README file explicity tells about KDE 3.1,
however I hade to face ugly macro definitions,
such as KDE_NO_EXPORT, class methods
undefined, such as wasKilled() in file tcpslavebase.cpp,
missing header files, such as kpopupmenu.h and
many others, that I copied from kdelibs to dropin.

But I was not able to see the end of the tunnel, yet :-(

Could please someone help me during this difficult trip?

Thanks in advance,


 Matteo Pampolini   -    Project Leader

 Residential Gateways & internet Appliances

 CiaoLAB eTechnology S.p.A.

 Email:  matteo.pampolini at ciaolab.com
 Phone:  +39.02.2303.3946
 Fax:    +39.02.2303.3289

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  Just very selective about his friends..."

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