From the TODO list

Luciano Montanaro
Tue, 29 Oct 2002 18:28:42 +0100

Reading the TODO list, I found the following items

- cleanup the job/jobclasses mess!

- properly disconnect slaves from jobs

- ignore SIGPIPE in slaves and fix the scheduler to deal with dying

some of which I think is responsible for a double redirection
when loading some pages. Can someone can give me some hints on what needs
to be done about the listed items?

I'll try to explain the bug that forced me to look harder at the code.

When konq-e encounters a  'Location:' header from an http request,
it correctly redirects to the correct page, however the original page 
is reloaded a second time.

This is due to the Run::foundMimeType() call that calls openURL()
with the old URL.

The original job seems to be properly deleted from the job list,
but the openURL retriggers it in existance. 

Luciano Montanaro//                                 /"\ ASCII RIBBON
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