cvs checkout problem?

Paul Chitescu
Tue, 29 Oct 2002 11:56:13 +0200

From: <>:
> Hello everybody,
> I can, without problems, compile CVS snapshots of Konq/E, e.g. this one:
> but if I do a cvs checkout myself the build fails already when running
> -f Makefile.cvs.
> My setup is as follows:
> Kdelibs 2.2.2 (directory is kdelibs in the same path as kdenox)
> Qt/E 2.3.2 from trolltech ftp
> CVS enviroment (exactly as recommended on
> cvs login (passwd=return)
> cvs co kdenox
> I guess that I checkout something completely wrong, maybe even from the
> server... Please give me a hint what I have to do to get the current cvs
> version.

Reading the list archives would help A LOT.

My snapshot is of the KONQE_1_0_BRANCH and is most likely current since I
didn't see any other work in months.

By default CVS uses the HEAD revision which is based on KDE 3 and an old
autoconf, automake, libtool and not worked on since long ago.

So to recreate my snapshot you should
    cvs checkout -r KONQE_1_0_BRANCH kdenox

Since the tag is sticky you won't need to specify it for future updates.


 Paul Chitescu   ICQ:22641673
 Any spammers will be painfully squeezed into /dev/null