applet supported by konq/e?

Paul Chitescu
Thu, 24 Oct 2002 13:35:09 +0200

> Hi all,
> I've some question on java in konq/e.
> If we have a jvm running on our hardware. Is it possible to run some
> in konq/e ?
> It seems that it is not supported right now, how and what we need to do to
> make konq/e java enabled?
> Thanks
> Sanjeev

All applet support is stubbed out in Konq/E.

You must add back some sources from the kdelibs and fix any missing
functions from files in subdirectory dropin.

If you run over Qt/Embedded you will also need a Java implementation capable
of using Qt for display instead of X - as Simon said.

> And ,does XML is supported by konq/e? If so, but why browse xml file
cannot get \
> tree hierarchy ?

The CVS version supports external filters. You can add a filter to transform
XML to a nicely colored tree hierarcy.

 Paul Chitescu   ICQ:22641673
 Any spammers will be painfully squeezed into /dev/null