applet supported by konq/e?

Sanjeev Manral
Thu, 24 Oct 2002 10:37:04 +0530

Hi all,

I've some question on java in konq/e.

If we have a jvm running on our hardware. Is it possible to run some applet
in konq/e ?
It seems that it is not supported right now, how and what we need to do to
make konq/e java enabled?


On Wed, Sep 19, 2001 at 09:28:58PM +0800, Tony Hu wrote:
> Is  java applet  supported by konq/e? Can we use design it to support
applet \
> embedded (not needed JVM)? What's the matter?

The problem is that you need a jvm that can run on qt/embedded.
> And ,does XML is supported by konq/e? If so, but why browse xml file
cannot get \
> tree hierarchy ?

Well, XML support is still in early stages. Any development help is
welcome. :)
