Slow konqe on a PXA250

Mayuresh Kathe
Wed, 20 Nov 2002 19:24:55 +0530 (IST)

On Wed, 20 Nov 2002, Daniel Stenberg wrote:

> On Wed, 20 Nov 2002, Mayuresh Kathe wrote:
> > > For evaluation purposes, I'm currently running Linux on an Intel XScale
> > > PXA250 Processor (on one of them Intel development boards)
> > Sounds good, where and how much did you buy that for?
> We're currently borrowing this one (or in fact, we borrow two at the moment
> as we thought the second set would have the 100MHz memory fixed, which it
> didn't). But I think it is priced at around 5000 US$ and we'd buy it from an
> Intel sales place (the board itself is produced by Accelent).

Thats interesting, can you send any links regarding the spec sheet etc?

> > Hope you have atleast used the recommended JPEG and PNG libs.
> Which ones are the recommended? I use the one bundled with Qt.

libjpeg, libz, libpng.
Please visit Simon's webpage
He's outlined everything beautifully...

> This is only the devboard's setup. We're gonna go for 32MB ram in the final
> product. Initial tests prove that we can do everything we want within that.

32Mb would be too less unless you plan to run only Konq/e

> > The only thing that comes to my mind is that there must be network traffic,
> > just that Konq/e might be taking 3 seconds to get all the images to its
> > cache before displaying them.
> My ethereal trace shows that this is not the case. The network is not used
> for anything else. There are only the client and the server connected on it!

I meant traffic must be on between Konq/e and the webserver, has to be...
Could you please check?

> It clearly shows one image at a time, and for web pages that contain both
> text and images I can very easily detect that it first displays the text and
> then re-writes the display when the image arrives. So a certain degree of
> progressiveness is there all right.

What I meant was, other browsers show content as it comes, so of a 30 Kb
file, most browsers would show content on a per line basis (as it gets
accumulated in cache).
Where as with Konq/e it would get the whole 30Kb file first (without
displaying anything) and once its got the whole thing, display the file.

> Hm, does Konq/e create new threads often? I found a post over at the
> armlinux-kernel list that identified a problem in the Linux process creation
> code for the PXA...

Threads are a vital part of Konq/e, hope you have compiled in the thread
support in Qt/e and Konq/e...

Best Regards,
