Resending method POST missing ??!!

Paul Chitescu
Tue, 5 Mar 2002 13:08:10 +0200

From: "konqu guy" <>:
> Hi,
> I am hit by a problem, when any page (which was
> resulted due to a method POST), refreshed, it doesn't
> use the method POST. It used the GET.
> Another method of reproducing the same problem,
> 1. Go to hotmail compose page.
> 2. Click on attachment.
> 3. cancel the attaching stuff.
> 4. you will come back to the compose page.
> 5. presss back button.
> 6. It should take to the attachment page. But it will
> log you out.
> Anybody encountered this, any suggestions.
> THanx,
> -Konq-Guy

Similar problems exist in the full Konqueror so I suspect it's from that
code. In the embedded version the problems are aggravated by taking further
shortcuts like destroying/guessing the MIME type.

 Paul Chitescu   ICQ:22641673
 Any spammers will be painfully squeezed into /dev/null