JavaScript problem

Korosi Akos
Tue, 5 Mar 2002 10:59:03 +0100 (CET)

Hello everyone!

I have some problem with JavaScripts.
(maybe it is because I'm a newbie)

So I downloaded the latest release (20020127), and installed
it (./configure --prefix=/tmp/konq-e/, make , make install).
I looked into configure.h, there was javascript enabled.
But when I tried it, konq-e didn't used javascript.
I tried it with some javascript test pages, but nothing.
In properties there is not signed javascript enabled, but
when I sign it, and press OK, and open it again, it is not
signed again...
I tried to configure it with javascript enabled, but it is
the same.
I think it should not be because of --prefix.

please help

Thanks in advance