Loading from various sources

Oliver Fels konq-e@mail.kde.org
Mon, 4 Mar 2002 13:03:56 +0100


In the process of creating a KHTMLPart based offline reader, I came accross 
several problems.
The most important is how to redirect konq/e's input to use a different input 
mechanism. In the specific case, I am reading in a zip file which contains 
HTML code and images.
Using write(char* ) is no problem at all, however, resources read from that 
page are naturally not affected ( like "img src=xxx" etc.)

I have been trying to overload several methods in a child class, like 
createParts, openURL and processObjectRequest.
But those do not seem to be the approriate ones, they are not even called and 
even worse calling the parents methods with KHTMLParts::openURL(myURL) gives 
a segfault :-(

If someone has an idea on how to accomplish the redirection without 
modifications on konq/e I'd be glad to hear it.

I also haven't found out why the same program run on my laptop forces KDE to 
complain about a missing KInstance object while on the desktop it doesnt. 
Both share the same KDE-2.2.1 base.
If this sounds familiar, I'd also like to hear about it.

Thanks in advance,
