Mortgage balance report error

Louis-Philippe Allard lp.allard.1 at
Wed Jan 31 15:28:02 GMT 2024

Hello Maillist,

I have a mortgage balances for all years which includes all mortgage  
loans I had so far...

Each loans are CLOSED (except the current one which I am paying off).

The issue I see is that one of the mortgage loans has been closed in  
2022 with ZERO balance in ledger, however in the report I see an  
outstanding balance of -$226.96 on this loan for 2022 and later...

There are no remaining schedules relating to this loan (I couldnt  
close this loan anyways), and the ledger shows balanze of zero.

Where is this amount coming from?  Why is the loan closed and ledger  
shows zero but the report shows a negative outstanding balance?

  Louis-Philippe Allard
lp.allard.1 at
Sent using Horde Groupware on GNU/Linux
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