matching transactions

Michael Hirmke mh at
Fri Feb 28 13:56:00 GMT 2020

Hi Thomas,


>On Freitag, 28. Februar 2020 11:04:00 CET Michael Hirmke wrote:

>> I've set this option for all these scheduled transactions, but it seems
>> to get ignored.

>We need to figure out why that is the case. If you start KMyMoney in a
>terminal window it will print out a few trace message what it is doing
>during import and what it is checking. That might give some ideas what is
>going on.

ok, next time I'll fetch banking transactions, I'll start KMyMoney from the
command line. Have to wait 'til Monday, though, because there won't be
any new transactions this week.

>In case a loan account is involved this might make a difference, but I
>can't remember the details.

No, it is a regular bank account.

>>>The trick might be to not enter the scheduled transaction (manually or
>>>automatically) but let the import do it (not sure if that is documented).
>> Didn't saw that in the docs, but if I'd do this, I wouldn't see what
>> will happen in the next n days.

>Do you know, that you can display upcoming scheduled transactions in the
>ledger without them being entered? Check the last option on


I know this, but I used "Finanzmanager" (Quicken) before and I am used
to see all, including the upcoming transactions in one list.

>> Uhm, not really, because KMyMoney doesn't do (at least here), what you
>> described regarding the amount. I even get an error, when I try to match
>> manually.

>The error in that case makes sense, as I mentioned you can only match exactly
>the same amount. AFAIR the varying amount is only available during import.


>> Thx anyway.

>You're welcome.

Michael Hirmke

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