Question on setting up a loan

Nick Elliott nick at
Thu Sep 5 14:19:09 BST 2019


Here's the scenario
- I'm lending money
- interest is calculated daily
- the repayment date is one year from the date of the loan
- every 3 months the borrower may, at their discretion, pay some of the
interest accrued
- I can agree with the borrow to shorten or extend the load period

Based on this when I use the load wizard
- Payment frequency is set to "Every three months"
- Interest Compounding frequency is set to "Daily"
- Interest rate is "Fixed"
- Loan amount and interest rate as as agreed with the borrower
- Term is "1" Payments (I thought this should be 4)
- Payment (principal and interest) is the sum of the original loan plus
- Balloon payment - what is this?

When I set up the loan do I transfer funds to it from the account the money
is coming from?


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