Re: [kmymoney] [Bug 413632] Icône "Balises"

Jack ostroffjh at
Thu Oct 31 17:42:17 GMT 2019

On 10/31/19 12:11 PM, Lamy MN et Ph wrote:
> Hello,Thank you for your answer. Sorry I didn’t use the right site. Is 
> there a forum in French? Yes, I used the documentation in French that 
> I found very good except that it does not talk about tags.Is it 
> possible to delete the icon "Tags" and eventually others icons ? Thank 
> you very much. Congratulations. Philippe Lamy


I'm answering also to the users mailing list (mainly English, although 
there are some folks who can answer in French).  Please always use some 
public list or forum for such questions, so the results can get indexed 
and possibly help someone else in the future.

The original question was about the meaning and use of the Tags icon.

I do not know if there is a forum in French.  My guess would be yes for 
KDE as a whole, although I was not able to find one with a very quick 
search.  It is less likely for one specifically for KMyMoney.  I will 
have to track down the French version of the manual to see if we need to 
request an updated translation.

It is not possible to remove icons such as Tags from the program, 
because each represents a View or a way to see more information  a 
particular look at your data.  Using tags is completely optional, you 
can safely ignore them, but you cannot remove the Tags View from the 
user interface.  Each of the Views is such an integral part of the whole 
program, I think it would end up being more confusing to allow hiding or 
removing any of them.


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