Fwd: Unable to select Finance::Quote as online source

timothy timboyle at afrihost.co.za
Thu Nov 21 10:03:48 GMT 2019

On 2019/11/21 11:41, Thomas Baumgart wrote:
> On Donnerstag, 21. November 2019 01:07:51 CET Jack wrote:
>> On 2019.11.19 08:00, Thomas Baumgart wrote:
>>> On Dienstag, 19. November 2019 12:59:59 CET timothy wrote:
>>>> On 2019/11/19 12:17, Doug Lytle wrote:
>>>>> On 11/19/19 4:49 AM, timothy wrote:
>>>>>> I'll file a bug unless someone can spot anything that I am
>>> missing.
>>>>> Not that I know the answer, but if you run kmymoney from the
>>>>> command line, do you get more information when trying to select
>>>>> Finance::Quote in the console?
>>>> Nothing special. Just comes up with a list of all Finance::Quote
>>>> online sources on the terminal. I can not get that list from KMM.
>>>> After selecting F::Q, the online source tab comes up solid blue when
>>>> I click on it and the Factor tab remains greyed out.
>>>> The standard online sources seems to function as normal.
>>> The checkbox being checked is only stored permanently when the
>>> "Online source" combo box is not empty. I have no idea why the logic
>>> is as it is, but it seems to be that way for a long time (comes all
>>> the way from SVN):
>> One problem here seems to be that checking the "Use Finance::Quote" box
>> clears the Online Source, preventing it from being saved.
> Yes, it did that all the time. The logic did not change. After clearing the
> combo box entries it asks Finance::Quote for a listing of sources and that for
> some reason returns an empty list.
> I tried to duplicate the problem yesterday and found out that the list remains
> empty for me because F::Q does not run on my box (due to missing Perl
> modules). I installed a whole bunch but am not yet done.
> The consequence of the empty list is that the marked checkbox is not
> permanently stored. As soon as there will be entries in the combo box the
> setting will be stored.
>> Actually -
>> it does save, with F::Q not checked, and the Online Source unset,
>> loosing whatever it had been set to.  I suspect this is separate from
>> F::Q not working, initially for Yahoo being missing, but the latest
>> version seems to default to Alphavantage, which will only work with an
>> API key.  Using Yahoo_json does seem to work.
>>> commit 67559352752fb99ce24f73c4bd406d7cd3300dfb
>>> Author: Fernando Vilas <fvilas at iname.com>
>>> Date:   Sat Jul 3 20:41:47 2010 +0000
>>>     Port KNewInvestmentWizard to QWizard and move it to the wizards
>>> directory.
>>>     svn path=/trunk/extragear/office/kmymoney/; revision=1145701
>>> So it's probably worth to open a bug so that we fix it. An indication
>>> with which KMyMoney version this was (still) working would be very
>>> much appreciated.
>> I'll also update there, after more testing.
>> Jack
> Hi Thomas
> I get the F::Q source list when I run KMM from the command line.
> Also I get it when I run the listing command "financequote.pl -l" separately.
> Thus on my setup it appears that F::Q is indeed outputting the expected source list ,
> but it is not being captured by KMM.
> Regards
> Timothy

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