Unable to select Finance::Quote as online source

timothy timboyle at afrihost.co.za
Tue Nov 19 09:01:23 GMT 2019

I am running KMM 5.0.7 on Debian 10.2 Buster.

I have three separate investments accounts at the same institution and 
each account has
the same three investment funds with the same set of share codes. The 
investments have
different names in each account  so that I know where they are coming 
from. This arrangement
is for tax/retirement purposes and the accounts/investments can not be 

I have recently noticed that only two accounts are being updated in the 
Stock and Currency Price Update.
After investigation I found that the box to select which online source 
ie Finance::Quote was unchecked in
the missing investments.
I then ticked the boxes and clicked Finish. However the funds still did 
not appear in the stock listing.
After further checking I found the boxes were again unchecked and that 
no matter what I did I could not
make the selection stick. I even changed the share codes on the 
investments, but still selection would
not stick.

I am pretty sure at some time all three accounts and investments were 
being correctly updated, but at
some stage - version upgrade or finger trouble - I have the current 

The situation is that I have one account with investments that I can not 
select Finance::Quote as the
online source. I can still update the fund price manually.

If there is something that I am missing or has changed - please help.


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