Income/Expenditure totals amounts of IDR show no decimals

Michael Berger idest at
Mon May 27 19:25:29 BST 2019

Dear all, dear Thomas,

KMM Version 5.0.2 in Mageia 6

I have various currencies to be converted to and shown in EURO in the 
Income/Expenditure Report. Bigger amounts of IDR (Indonesian Rupiah) are 
correctly converted and shown as xxx,yy. Smaller amounts are also 
correctly converted but shown as xxx  without digits. See the amount of 
355 in the attachment.

The exchange rate is 1€ = 14000 IDR / 1IDR = 0,000071428€
So, the number 355 (without decimals!) as per screenshot represents the 
€-equivalent of 4’970’000 IDR.

However, in the same summary further down the  amount of 1630.91 (with 
decimals!) represents the €-equivalent of 22’832’740 IDR.

It looks as if the conversion works for small and big amounts. However, 
in small amounts he digits are swallowed!?

Nothing really serious but somehow inconsistent and irritating. I hope I 
could make myself clear and that this could be corrected.

Thanks in advance,
Michael Berger

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