file:///home/mb39/kmm-statement-2019-04-30 08-18-50.txt

Jack ostroffjh at
Wed May 1 15:22:17 BST 2019

On 5/1/19 10:12 AM, Michael Berger wrote:
> KMM 5.0.2, KDE, Mageia 6,
> Dear friends of KMM,
> every calling and closing KMM generates in '> Home' a new simple text 
> file  of the kind
> file:///home/mb39/kmm-statement-2019-04-30 08-18-50.txt
It's not every run ok KMM, but every statement import (OFX or other, 
file import or direct connect) that creates one of these files. They are 
often useful in debugging import problems.
> its first line reads: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> .....
> and the last line reads: </KMYMONEY-STATEMENT>
> So, these pile up over time because I am very often using KMM. Nothing 
> serious and without any impact on the function (as far as I can see) 
> but somewhat disturbing.
> I don't think this normal? What can be done to avoid these messages?

It's absolutely normal, although I had thought the default was to not 
create them.  Go to Settings/Configure KMyMoney.  General view, Support 
tab.  Uncheck the two checkboxes, and these files will no longer be created.

> Thanks and cheers
> Michael Berger

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