file:///home/mb39/kmm-statement-2019-04-30 08-18-50.txt

Michael Berger idest at
Wed May 1 15:12:23 BST 2019

KMM 5.0.2, KDE, Mageia 6,

Dear friends of KMM,

every calling and closing KMM generates in '> Home' a new simple text 
fileĀ  of the kind
file:///home/mb39/kmm-statement-2019-04-30 08-18-50.txt

its first line reads: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
and the last line reads: </KMYMONEY-STATEMENT>

So, these pile up over time because I am very often using KMM. Nothing 
serious and without any impact on the function (as far as I can see) but 
somewhat disturbing.
I don't think this normal? What can be done to avoid these messages?

Thanks and cheers

Michael Berger

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