Delete AqBanking

Joe W. Byers ecjbosu at
Mon Mar 25 19:18:25 GMT 2019

I tried running from the command prompt, on my workstation to delete the 
aqbanking accounts.� I received no errors when trying to delete the 
accounts.� I tried running on my laptop, and I found there was not 
aqbanking settings on my laptop.� This means aqbanking is not stored 
with teh kmymoney data file. It is stored locally in a .aqbanking 
directory as text files.

I deleted the sub directories under .aqbanking, clearing my settings.� 
It might be beneficial to put a message on the setting-aqbanking that 
this is only valid on the current computer.


On 3/25/19 9:06 AM, Thomas Baumgart wrote:
> Joe,
> On Montag, 25. M�rz 2019 14:26:23 CET Joe W. Byers wrote:
> > I am unable to delete a partially configured AqBanking account. I go to
> > setting, AqBanking Setup, click the accounts tab, then select an 
> account
> > to delete.� Ths account is not deleted.� Using Kmymoney ver 5.0.2 on
> > Fedora 28 linux.
> thanks for the information. This seems to be an internal AqBanking 
> problem. AqBanking is a piece of software on its own and especially 
> the configuration is to KMyMoney just a library that we 'use'.
> Can you start KMyMoney from the command line and let us know what gets 
> displayed when you start deleting the account in the AqBanking 
> settings? Maybe, that will give us an idea. Can you also provide some 
> more details what 'partially configured' means? Thanks in advance.
> Regards
> Thomas
> -- 
> Regards
> Thomas Baumgart
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*Joe W. Byers*
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