Delete AqBanking

Thomas Baumgart thb at
Mon Mar 25 14:06:52 GMT 2019


On Montag, 25. März 2019 14:26:23 CET Joe W. Byers wrote:

> I am unable to delete a partially configured AqBanking account. I go to 
> setting, AqBanking Setup, click the accounts tab, then select an account 
> to delete.  Ths account is not deleted.  Using Kmymoney ver 5.0.2 on 
> Fedora 28 linux.

thanks for the information. This seems to be an internal AqBanking problem. AqBanking is a piece of software on its own and especially the configuration is to KMyMoney just a library that we 'use'.

Can you start KMyMoney from the command line and let us know what gets displayed when you start deleting the account in the AqBanking settings? Maybe, that will give us an idea. Can you also provide some more details what 'partially configured' means? Thanks in advance.





Thomas Baumgart       Signal, the better WhatsApp
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Person B: ...And that means what?
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