Attempt to move one split to new category moves all splits with same category

jillelaine jillelaine01 at
Fri Aug 16 23:20:06 BST 2019

On 8/16/19 2:56 PM, Jack wrote:
> On 2019.08.16 17:43, jillelaine wrote:
>> On 8/16/19 2:38 PM, Jack wrote:
>>> On 2019.08.16 17:05, jillelaine wrote:
>>>> KMyMoney v.4.8.0
>>>> Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS
>>>> In KMyMoney, in a transaction with multiple splits, where more than 
>>>> one split is assigned to the same category, attempts to change only 
>>>> one split to a new category changes all splits with the same 
>>>> category to the new category.
>>>> Go to 'Categories' > select original category > select transaction 
>>>> split to move to new category > right click & select > 'Move 
>>>> transaction to...' > and select desired new category from the 
>>>> 'Select Account' list.
>>>> Result: all splits assigned to original category within the same 
>>>> transaction are moved to new category, even though only one split is 
>>>> selected.
>>>> Issue also occurs during 'batch' 'Move transaction to...' via 
>>>> Categories.
>>> It looks like all those attemps are variations on moving 
>>> transactions.  If you only want to change the category of a single 
>>> split, try selecting and edit the transaction in the ledger, go to 
>>> the split editor, and change the category on that split.
>> Yes, I can change the category of a split in the ledger, one 
>> transaction at a time. The problem is that I want to modify the 
>> category of a particular split in multiple transactions, without 
>> modifying any of the other splits.
>>> Also, 4.8.0 is really old.  If you can't move to a 5.0 version, there 
>>> are later 4.8.x versions.
>> Is this behavior changed in newer versions?
> I don't know that what you want is possible.  By editing multiple 
> transactions, if might be identifying the splits to edit based on the 
> category - which would include the other splits you don't want to 
> change.  Am I correct you have multiple transactions which have more 
> than one split with the same category - and you want to change the 
> category in only one of those splits?  If so, how can that particular 
> split be identified? 

By selecting them with Ctrl + click?

In Categories > select original category > use Ctrl key to select only 
desired splits in the category > right click to modify...

Since I can select only desired splits with Ctrl + click, it gives me 
the impression that I can modify only those selected splits, while 
leaving other splits in same category in same transactions unmodified. 
Please see attached screenshot (assuming it's not scrubbed).

 > (This might need to be opened at as a
 > wishlist item, unless someone else knows of a way to do it now.

If it is possible to accomplish this 'batch' modification of splits, I 
will file a wishlist item. I'll await to hear if it is even possible.

> I suggest upgrading on principle - I don't think newer versions would do 
> this either.

I need to keep my KMyMoney at a version that is compatible with a 
Windows user, apparently 4.8.3? I'm always hesitant to upgrade when I 
need to share a file with a remote user, and I'd need to upgrade the 
Windows box at the same time.
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