kmm 4811 vs 500

Jack ostroffjh at
Sat May 19 16:13:19 UTC 2018

Hello Andy,

On 2018.05.19 02:50, Andy Chung wrote:
> Hi there,
> i have a dual boot config windows 10 + fedora 28 (recent upgrade)  
> now. i was previously on kmm 4.8.0 on both win10 and fedora 27. i  
> could use kmm 480 from both windows 10 and fedora 27 accessing my  
> xxxx.kmy file. upgraded to fedora 28. kmm fedora becomes 5.0.0 (seems  
> not 501). i upgraded then my windows kmm to latest (though it  
> reads 4.8.1 in kmm) is it still possible for me to use the same  
> xxx.kmy file in both 4811 and 500? I notice e.g. kmm 500 config  
> online quote there is identifier. in 4811 there is not.

> in fedora kmm 500. in the institution/account/category page it shows  
> only the 1st column. e.g. in accounts page it shows only account  
> column but not type/tax/vat/total bal/total value columns. Is it due  
> to my xxxx.kmy file is in 4811?

> if i were to choose one from 4811 vs 500 which one should i pick? I  
> recall in the email thread there were some issues in 500 thus the  
> latest is 501.

First, there is a known bug that 5.0.1 claims it is 5.0.0.  If the  
fedora package says 5.0.1, it probably is.

There have been many recent problems with online quotes, mainly Yahoo  
and Google stopped providing the service.  The new version might have a  
new source listed.  If an online source works in one version of KMM, it  
will work in any version, you might have to add it manually.  Write  
back if you need instructions.  I'm actually not sure what the  
Identifier box is for, but I believe it is safe to ignore it.

In 5.0.x, several of the views had the default changed to only showing  
the first column.  If you right click on the header row, you should get  
a pop-up allowing you to select the other columns to be displayed.

There were no changes to the file format, so you should still be able  
to use the same .kmy file in 4.8.x and 5.0.x.

In choosing a version, unfortunately, 5.x is not yet available for  
Windows.  It will be announced as soon as a working installer is  
available.  On linux, there were some bugs and regressions in 5.0.0, so  
5.0.1 is definitely better, but you need to trust the package name,  
since the program still displays 5.0.0.  This will be fixed in 5.0.2,  
which is not yet scheduled for release.


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