kmm 4811 vs 500

Andy Chung andy.chung.0 at
Sat May 19 06:50:42 UTC 2018

Hi there,

i have a dual boot config windows 10 + fedora 28 (recent upgrade) now. i
was previously on kmm 4.8.0 on both win10 and fedora 27. i could use kmm
480 from both windows 10 and fedora 27 accessing my xxxx.kmy file.
upgraded to fedora 28. kmm fedora becomes 5.0.0 (seems not 501). i upgraded
then my windows kmm to latest (though it reads 4.8.1 in kmm)
is it still possible for me to use the same xxx.kmy file in both 4811 and
500? I notice e.g. kmm 500 config online quote there is identifier. in 4811
there is not.
in fedora kmm 500. in the institution/account/category page it shows only
the 1st column. e.g. in accounts page it shows only account column but not
type/tax/vat/total bal/total value columns. Is it due to my xxxx.kmy file
is in 4811?
if i were to choose one from 4811 vs 500 which one should i pick? I recall
in the email thread there were some issues in 500 thus the latest is 501.

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