An account ledger disappeared on Reconciling

Ian Anderson iancarol at
Wed Oct 18 10:21:32 UTC 2017

I have KmyMoney ver 4.8.0 and am tidying up my accounts for my six 
monthly payment of GST (VAT) in New Zealand.  I include my Visa 
Liability account in my GST report for the occasional work related 
expense paid by visa which has a GST component.

After selecting ALL ( Ctrl A ) in the ledger them Marking the entries as 
Reconciled all the ledger entries from the start of the Financial year 
on 1/4/17  disappeared. Indeed they have all disappeared back to 2010.   
I did not Mark them as Clear first and wonder if that was a mistake.  At 
the moment I have an empty Visa account ledger showing the correct 
balance at 30/9/17, but nothing else.

If I do a Find transaction search for Visa transactions they are all 
correctly displayed back to 2010.  This brings up a second point, that I 
used to have one continuous ledger back to 2010 in all my accounts , but 
note recently that I can only go back to April 1st 2017 in all my 
account ledgers  This is not a serious practical problem for me. However 
I would like to regain this years Visa ledger entries somehow.  (I have 
a backup which went to the end of July so I could reenter all data for 
all accounts again, reluctantly)  I have Marked as Cleared my two other 
accounts which are very important, but am too scared to Mark them as 
Reconciled in case they disappear: which would be a disaster.

Right clicking on the online statement balance gives me only three non 
greyed out transaction choices  New, Mark as, or Move. Clicking on Mark 
and then the three choices of Reconciled, Cleared, or Not reconciled, 
give the same error details

Unable to modify transaction id,  "throw 

I have no idea if this is relevant.  The empty ledger shows: Never 
reconciled, but the correct Cleared and Balance amounts.

I would appreciate any suggestions for bringing the ledger back into 
view. I was automatically updated at some point from Ver 4.6 to Ver 
4.8.0 and assume that may have something to do with the fact that only 
this financial years entries are in the file. If this is already a known 
problem and dealt with, I apologise in advance

Sincerely ian Anderson

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