Can kMyMoney 4.8 run on Mint Linux 18 / Ubuntu 16.04?

Peter J. Farley III pjfarley3 at
Sun Oct 8 06:31:17 UTC 2017

Mint Linux 18.2 is based on Ubuntu 16.04, and the latest kMyMoney for
that Ubuntu version is  There is no Weboob support in that
release of kMyMoney, and I need Weboob to try to access my Citibank
accounts less manually.


If I grab an rpm for the version of kMyMoney from the Ubuntu
17 release, does anyone here know if it will have any trouble
installing or running on an Ubuntu 16.04 base?  Any additional
packages / upgrades I may need to make that work?


TIA for any advice or cautions you can provide.




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