Update Stock Prices Fails

Jeff Barlow jeff at wb6csv.net
Wed Nov 8 17:58:56 UTC 2017

On 11/08/2017 08:49 AM, David Dembrow wrote
>> I have also noticed some mutual fund symbols do not get the latest
>>  quote, but one that is a day or two old.  I would have get several
>> more updates to determine a trend - it may be that google returns a
>> Monday price even though it has the historical data available.

What I'm seeing (for Vanguard mutual funds) is that Google seems to show
Monday as the date even though it is showing the correct price as of
yesterday (Tuesday). For example just try this link in any browser:


You get 27.27 which is the Tue closing price but with the Mon date.

This looks like a Google issue and not a kmymoney one.


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