Map to Online Account Issues - Discover Card, TD Ameritrade

Jack ostroffjh at
Tue Jun 6 20:02:38 UTC 2017

Hello Michael,

On 2017.06.05 21:07, Michael Carpino wrote:
> I'm a new user of KMyMoney. I made the switch from Quicken to  
> KMyMoney. I'm running KMyMoney on Windows 10 and I'm in the process  
> of linking my accounts via the Map to Online Accounts. For some  
> accounts, Citi Credit Card I've been able to connect and download my  
> transactions just fine. However with DIscover card and TD Ameritrade  
> I can't get past the initial map stage.

First, please confirm exactly what you tried, whether you changed any  
of the default settings suggested by the system for the connections.

> With Discover I get to the Login Details stage and I receive a failed  
> message of, "The HTTP request failed" and with clicking on the  
> details I receive, "Access Denied You don't have permission to access  
> "" on this server. Reference  
> #18.af5d1ab8. 1496580807. 1afa200b"
Well, ofxhome ( shows errors for all three  
Discover entries since earlier this year.  One of them has a long  
discussion implying that Discover has modified their system to be  
particularly fussy about HTTP header order - which would have to be  
changed within libofx - it's nothing you can do as an end user.  The  
best interim workaround is if you can download OFX files manually from  
their web interface.

While probably not in this case, you can often get more informtion by  
creating an OFX log.  To do this you need to create an empty file  
called ofx.log in your home directory.  (On Windows 7, I believe that  
would be C:\Users\yourname, but I don't know if that might change for  
Windows 10).  If the ofx library sees that file, it puts a full log of  
what it receives in that file.  It sometimes provides more details  
about errors.  If you are going to post it here, be careful to remove  
sensitive information such as account names and numbers and posswords.

> With TD Ameritrade I receive "Error signing onto your bank ERROR  
> #15500 SIgnon invalid... I am using my correct sign on.
There are many possibilities here.  The ofx log might shed more  
information, as this error is often used as a catchall even if  
username/password is not the actual problem.  Also, it might be  
possible the account has to be activated or authorized for OFX  
downloads.  Just because you downloaded to Quicken in the past may or  
may not make any difference.

> I want to use KMyMoney going forward and would like to resolve these  
> issues. Any solutions would be welcomed and appreciated.
Good luck, and let us know as you find anything new.  All information  
will be useful to someone else with the same problem.


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