KMyMoney 4.8.0 AqBanking and Gwenhywfar dependency version

Christian Dávid christian-david at
Mon Jun 5 07:50:21 UTC 2017

Hi Joachim,

I am not aware of any other reason for these versions of aqbanking and gwenhywfar. However, the linker errors are strange, obviously they should not be there.

Btw: I hade a OpenSuse .spec for 4.8, it still in the repository [1], maybe that makes your life easier. But you should remove the bankdata (they are outdated).



> Joachim Langenbach <joachim.langenbach at> hat am 4. Juni 2017 um 18:06 geschrieben:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to package KMyMoney with hbci for openSUSE. Therefore I backported 
> the cmake files (aqbanking-config.cmake, ...) to AqBanking 5.1 and gwenhywfar 
> 4.7 (current versions in suse 42.2 repo). Beside some linker errors in 
> konlinetasks_sepa (multiple definition of 
> `sepaStoragePlugin::qt_static_metacall) my question is:
> Is the dependency on aqbanking 5.5.1 and gwenhywfar 4.13 caused by the need of 
> the cmake files or does kmymoney requires some new features in this versions?
> Kind regards,
> Joachim Langenbach

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