QFX Import Problem

Jack ostroffjh at users.sourceforge.net
Thu Mar 3 15:43:06 UTC 2016

On 2016.03.03 10:27, Greg wrote:
> Jack,
> Again, thank you for your assistance.
> I did attempt to import the QFX files using the File/Import/QFX  
> method.
> My main credit cards are from:
>   *   Citibank
>   *   Capital One
>   *   FIA Card Services (Fidelity branded cards)
>   *   USAA
> But, I am still perplexed by the way the QFX file import works.  My  
> experience showed that an import of a QFX file had some transactions  
> handled appropriately but most were not.  Yet, the transactions  
> appear similar inside the QFX file.  From your statements this import  
> method would work for some banks but not others.
> Is this due to the QFX file format being under the control of  
> Intuit?  Or, is there a bug in KMyMoney in the QFX file import?

First, understand that QFX and OFX are effectively the same thing.  The  
format may have initially been created by Intuit, but the standard is  
now published by The Open Financial Exchange Consortium.  One problem  
is that different OFX software (as used by the banks, but generally  
written and run by other software companies) interpret the standard  
somewhat differently, leading to subtle differences in OFX produced by  
each of them.

That said, I don't think there are bugs, either in the libOFX library  
that KMM uses, or in how KMM uses it.  Actually, although there may  
well be bugs, I suspect your issue is related to configuration.

So, to go back to the beginning, which version of KMM are you using,  
and on what platform or distribution?  If you are not uses 4.7.2, the  
most recent version, that would be the first thing to change, since  
there have been some changes in this area.

In addition, we need more details to be able to focus in on a cause.   
For now, let's stick to data from just one of those institutions.  (I'm  
not aware of any particular problem with any of them, but I don't use  
any of them myself.)  Also, when you say you did attempt to import, if  
that was in response to this discussion, what did you originally try?

You say for one OFX file, some transactions are imported "correctly"  
(or at least as you would expect) and some are not.  What are the  
differences?  Does it have to do with matching to already entered  
transactions?  Does it have to do with matching on Payee name?

Have you tried to map to any of these online accounts?  This doesn't  
always work easily, but if it does, it will let you configure where the  
Payee name is detected, if that is your primary problem.

Sorry to answer with more questions then conclusions, but eventually  
you should be able to get it all working smoothly.


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