Updating prices problems

aga agander93 at gmail.com
Fri Jun 3 17:49:31 UTC 2016

Generally, I update my stock prices just once per month.  Last month, 
out of about 20 stocks, perhaps about 6 failed, this using Morningstar 
in the UK. A day or so later, I tried again and one or two of the 
problem ones went through this time.  I didn't have time then to pursue this
This month, there were similar problems.  Retries sometimes worked 
straight away, others needed a few tries, and one needed more than six, 
but eventually worked.
I know that web-sites sometimes do changes that cause problems, but I've 
not had intermittent failures before.
Has anyone else experienced this, or can suggest a possible cause.  I'm 
not noticing other network problems.
Just for interest,having now updated everything, I tried again, and had 
thirteen failures!


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