Issues on Investment transfers to Bank Account

Gilcio Amaral-Martins gilcio.amaral at
Fri Jan 29 22:02:48 UTC 2016

A particular Investment Fund has shares and prices with 7 decimal digits .
So I've setted KMyMoney price precision to 7 digits.
In order to register a selling transaction I use the transaction form of
the investment ledger and fill all information requested. Total result is
OK and shows in money format with two digits.
So far so good and the investment account can be reconciled with fund
statement correctly.
In the same form I assign a bank account to receive the money transfer.
The bank account ledger shows the transfer correctly but sometimes the
account balance after transfer is incorrect.
This happens normally after some transactions.
To simplify the description I'm attaching screenshots and documents showing
the operation step by step.
Let's begin with the investment bank statement:
Let's look for a sell transaction at 28/12/2012 (dec 28).
The transaction form is filled with the transaction data as you can see in
the screenshot TransFormInvLeger-dez2012.png
You can also see that Bank account Itau is assigned to receive the money
In  Bank Itau Acc Ledger - attached screenshott
ItauBankAccLedger-dez2012.png - you can see the transaction in reference at
28/12/2012: a credit of $2000. Note the balance after the credit: $3035.11.
This is incorrect because the balance before transaction was $1035.10 and
adding $2000 the result would be $3035,10.
I'm also attaching the Bank statement : ItauBankAccStatement-dez2012.pdf.

This issue happens in selling transactions.
The money transfer should be in money format: 2 fixed digits and this don't
seem to be ocurring. I'm supposing the transfer is beeing done in more than
2 decimal digits and rounding is done in the ledger what is not correct but
would explain the balance error.
When I save the kmymoney file I receive a consistency check notification
also attached.
Is this is a real bug or Am I doing something incorrect?


Gilcio Amaral

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