ML dividend reinvestment

Bob Ewart bob-ewart at
Mon Feb 8 05:13:18 UTC 2016

On 02/07/2016 05:30 PM, Jack wrote:
> On 2016.02.05 12:18, Bob Ewart wrote:
>> I've been working on a perl program to convert the 3 OFX transactions 
>> Merrill-Lynch shows for a dividend reinvestment into 2 transactions, 
>> dividend income and buy shares.  The memo on the buy shows that it is 
>> a reinvestment.  The money and number of shares match my statement.  
>> So it seems to be working.
>> It needs a little more work before I make it available.
>> I did see that dividend reinvestments are mentioned in the KMM code, 
>> but wasn't able to figure out what it was expecting in OFX.
>> ------------------------------------------
>> If anyone has dividends reinvested in a broker other than ML and they 
>> are properly handled by KMM, I would very much like to know.
>> ------------------------------------------
> It will likely be a few weeks, but I'll dig through my copy of the ofx 
> spec and see if I can actually create a valid reinvest transaction for 
> import.
> By the way - in a Merrill Lynch printed statement, there are three 
> transactions, and the final one does appear to have all the necessary 
> information for the reinvestment.  (I've got to confirm that it also 
> includes the correct type of income (dividend, capital gains, .....) 
> which is in the memo of the first transaction, but does not seem to 
> have any effect on the imported transaction.
> Jack
I see that in my statement.  What I'm getting in the ofx is:

Transaction     Memo                     Type
INCOME      Lg Tm Cap Gain: CGLONG   +total
INCOME      Sh Tm Cap Gain: CGSHORT  +total
TRANSFER    Divd Reinv:     LONG     unit price, units (for short term 
TRANSFER    Divd Reinv:     LONG     unit price, units (for long term 
INVBANKTRAN                          -total  (long term
INVBANKTRAN                          -total  (short term

All this is interspersed with other transactions.  There is a short term 
and a long term dividend reinvested.  The INCOME and TRANSFER 
transactions have the unique ID of the security, the INVBANKTRAN does 
not.  The TRANSFER transaction does not have the total amount.

KMM shows the INCOME transactions as dividends in the main account and 
the cash account tied to the security. It has a category of "Investment 
transaction" which I guess is an internal category.

The TRANSFER transactions seem to be ignored. The number of shares is 
not changed

The INVBANKTRAN shows up in the cash account as "Reinvestment" with the 
name of the security in the memo field and no category. It doesn't show 
in the main account and isn't tied to the security.


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