ML dividend reinvestment

Bob Ewart bob-ewart at
Fri Feb 5 17:18:15 UTC 2016

I've been working on a perl program to convert the 3 OFX transactions 
Merrill-Lynch shows for a dividend reinvestment into 2 transactions, 
dividend income and buy shares.  The memo on the buy shows that it is a 
reinvestment.  The money and number of shares match my statement.  So it 
seems to be working.

It needs a little more work before I make it available.

I did see that dividend reinvestments are mentioned in the KMM code, but 
wasn't able to figure out what it was expecting in OFX.

If anyone has dividends reinvested in a broker other than ML and they 
are properly handled by KMM, I would very much like to know.


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