KMM 4.7.2 investments worth are not displayed in accounts page
Louis-Philippe Allard
lp.allard.1 at
Mon Apr 18 21:14:07 UTC 2016
Quoting Jeff Barlow <jeff at>:
> On 04/18/2016 04:16 AM, Louis-Philippe Allard wrote:
>> Quoting Jeff Barlow <jeff at <mailto:jeff at>>:
>>> On 04/17/2016 06:14 AM, Louis-Philippe Allard wrote:
>>>> Yes, I am referring to the window "Accounts" as per your first link, and
>>>> yes, for all of my investments, the total balance is empty (not zero,
>>>> but there is nothing there) and total value is $0.00
>>> I have exactly the same issue. Note that I see only the lines of type
>>> "Investment" for each of several accounts. I have no lines of type
>>> "Stock" as shown in the screenshot. Perhaps this is because I have no
>>> Securities of type "Stock". I do however have several of type "Mutual
>>> Fund" which I would expect to be handled the same as any other stock.
>>> They do not show up on the Account page either.
>>> --
>>> Later,Jeff
>> Your comment made me realize that I have another problem: all of my
>> securities are of the "Mutual Fund" type, but selecting "Show equity
>> accounts" displays "Stock" type securities in the Accounts window
>> instead of the "Mutual Fund" type...
> Yes, I also see that same issue.
> Moreover, the only reference I see in the handbook for "Show equity
> accounts" just tells me: "Equity accounts are normally hidden.
> Select this option to show them." There's no explanation of what
> they are, where they might show up, or why one might want to select
> this option. I would never have guessed that check box would have
> this effect.
> And, even with that option checked, the "Total Value" field of the
> containing Investment account is still $0.00 even though it in fact
> contains several thousand dollars worth of securities.
> And further... I now see at the bottom of the "Accounts" page a new
> mysterious account named "Equity" with a large negative Total Value.
> There is no corresponding ledger so I have no clue where that number
> comes from.
> --
> Later,Jeff
Thomas correct me if I am wrong, but the equity account is used to
store the initial amount of the accountd when they are created.
Because KMM uses T style accounting principles, the money must come
from somewhere, hence the negative value of the equity account. For
example, if you initially created an account with a starting balance
of $5000 then another account with a starting balance of $3500, then
the equity would be equal to -$8500
Thats normal , GNU Cash does the same.
That doesnt explain the anomalies we're seeing with the investments:
erroneous value reported as zero and security type reported as Stock
while its mutual fund.
Louis-Philippe Allard
lp.allard.1 at
Sent from Horde Groupware - GNU/Linux
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