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<p>Quoting Jeff Barlow <<a href="mailto:jeff@wb6csv.net">jeff@wb6csv.net</a>>:</p>
<blockquote style="border-left:2px solid blue;margin-left:2px;padding-left:12px;" type="cite">
<p>On 04/18/2016 04:16 AM, Louis-Philippe Allard wrote:</p>
<blockquote style="border-left:2px solid blue;margin-left:2px;padding-left:12px;" type="cite">
<p>Quoting Jeff Barlow <<a href="mailto:jeff@wb6csv.net">jeff@wb6csv.net</a> <mailto:<a href="mailto:jeff@wb6csv.net>>:">jeff@wb6csv.net>>:</a><br></p>
<blockquote style="border-left:2px solid blue;margin-left:2px;padding-left:12px;" type="cite">
<p>On 04/17/2016 06:14 AM, Louis-Philippe Allard wrote:<br></p>
<blockquote style="border-left:2px solid blue;margin-left:2px;padding-left:12px;" type="cite">
<p>Yes, I am referring to the window "Accounts" as per your first link, and<br>
yes, for all of my investments, the total balance is empty (not zero,<br>
but there is nothing there) and total value is $0.00</p>
I have exactly the same issue. Note that I see only the lines of type<br>
"Investment" for each of several accounts. I have no lines of type<br>
"Stock" as shown in the screenshot. Perhaps this is because I have no<br>
Securities of type "Stock". I do however have several of type "Mutual<br>
Fund" which I would expect to be handled the same as any other stock.<br>
They do not show up on the Account page either.<br>
Your comment made me realize that I have another problem: all of my<br>
securities are of the "Mutual Fund" type, but selecting "Show equity<br>
accounts" displays "Stock" type securities in the Accounts window<br>
instead of the "Mutual Fund" type...</blockquote>
Yes, I also see that same issue.<br>
Moreover, the only reference I see in the handbook for "Show equity accounts" just tells me: "Equity accounts are normally hidden. Select this option to show them." There's no explanation of what they are, where they might show up, or why one might want to select this option. I would never have guessed that check box would have this effect.<br>
And, even with that option checked, the "Total Value" field of the containing Investment account is still $0.00 even though it in fact contains several thousand dollars worth of securities.<br>
And further... I now see at the bottom of the "Accounts" page a new mysterious account named "Equity" with a large negative Total Value. There is no corresponding ledger so I have no clue where that number comes from.<br>
Thomas correct me if I am wrong, but the equity account is used to store the initial amount of the accountd when they are created. Because KMM uses T style accounting principles, the money must come from somewhere, hence the negative value of the equity account. For example, if you initially created an account with a starting balance of $5000 then another account with a starting balance of $3500, then the equity would be equal to -$8500<br>
Thats normal , GNU Cash does the same.<br>
That doesnt explain the anomalies we're seeing with the investments: erroneous value reported as zero and security type reported as Stock while its mutual fund.<br></p>
<div>Louis-Philippe Allard<br>
<a href="mailto:lp.allard.1@gmail.com">lp.allard.1@gmail.com</a><br>
Sent from Horde Groupware - GNU/Linux</div>