KMM 4.7.2 investments worth are not displayed in accounts page

Louis-Philippe Allard lp.allard.1 at
Sat Apr 16 19:19:55 UTC 2016


question regarding investments worth in KMM.  I noticed that  
investments holding shares and therefore having a worth have a "Total  
Value" of $0.00 in my Accounts window.  I understand investments are  
not "money" until sold and the proceedings cashed in a brokerage  

That being said, the net worth value displayed at the bottom of the  
Accounts page contains the value of those investments in money and  
also the section total (investments) also contains the monetary value  
of those investments.

Is this a bug? It would be preferable by far to have the actual worth  
of an investment displayed and updated when prices are updated.

  Louis-Philippe Allard
lp.allard.1 at
Sent from Horde Groupware - GNU/Linux
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