Enc: Re: doubt

riesdra riesdra at zoho.com
Sun Apr 3 22:48:18 UTC 2016

Hi, Thomas

excuse me for my english, I want change the category assignment, and you did help me much.
thank's very much.
Ricardo Libanio

---- Em Sáb, 02 Abr 2016 03:30:58 -0300 Thomas Baumgart <thb at net-bembel.de> escreveu ---- 

there's a GUI feature for that in the ledger. Select the transactions, right 
click with the mouse which opens the context menu and use 'Move transaction to 
If you want to change the category assignment, select the transactions, start 
editing and only fill in the new category before you press the 'Enter' button. 
See https://docs.kde.org/stable4/en/extragear-office/kmymoney/details.ledgers.other.html for a screen shot of the context 
I hope that helps. 
On Friday 01 April 2016 21:34:54 riesdra wrote: 
> hello, 
> I'd like to know if I've can change various transaction accounts to another 
> once something like run a sql command. 
> -- 
> Ricardo Libanio 
Thomas Baumgart 
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'Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. 
Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, 
by definition, not smart enough to debug it.' - Brian W. Kernighan 

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