[Kmymoney] Quotes download

Email Terra Rhaufed rhaufed at terra.com.br
Thu Oct 8 07:15:16 UTC 2015

Hi all,



I've been using KMyMoney for a few days now and for most of my investment
transactions I download quote data from Yahoo .It works pretty well for
stocks (even for Brazilian ones), but it does not support stock options

I have another program where I use Bloomberg as the source of data for stock
options for Brazilian market, and it does work. So, if I want the price for
an option like ITUBK34 I use ITUBK34:BZ in symbol name and it downloads
data. The problem is that this connection with Bloomberg is pre-configured
into this software and I want to use it with KMyMoney, but do not know what
to enter into those fields to create a new connection. Someone can help me?


Regards, Rhaufed

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