[Kmymoney] Australian Stock Dividend

Briertys srbri at bigpond.com
Mon Jul 6 00:00:50 UTC 2015

Can you advise how I should enter the following dividend details in KMyMoney

Dividend of 99cents per share on 4150 shares = $4108.50

Dividend reinvested and 122 shares allocated at $33.61 per share = 
$4100.42 with a carry over balance of $8.08 held for the next dividend 
reinvestment transaction. So will need to record the carry over cash 
balance somehow.

In addition the dividend has been franked (tax paid) with a franking 
credit (tax credit) of $1760.79, which in my case will be a tax offset 
to reduce my income tax liability.

I am impressed with your package and am just having difficulties with 
this one issue.

Col Brierty

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