[Kmymoney] HowTo enter reinvestments of dividends?

Jack ostroffjh at sbcglobal.net
Mon Sep 29 00:31:18 UTC 2014

On 2014.09.28 13:09, Allan wrote:
> On 28/09/14 16:34, Stefan wrote:
>> Hello,
>> how can i enter an automatically reinvested dividend for fonds where
>> parts of the dividend must be payed for taxes and cannot be  
>> reinvested?
>> German users probably know this...
>> I have a fond A:
>> dividend payed: 30,45 EUR
>> Tax (Kapitalertragsteuer): -8,36 EUR
>> Tax (Zinsabschlagsteuer): -0,45 EUR
>> Reinvestment: 21,65 EUR as 0,406 shares with 52,96 EUR per share
>> KMyMoney is hiding to much text input fields after selecting
>> "Reinvestment / Wiederanlage der Dividende" - therefor i cannot  
>> enter it
>> correctly, or, using the field for (split) charges it calculates  
>> wrong
>> values that i cannot change as needed.
>> Thanks,
>> Stefan
> I thought this would be fairly straight forward, but No.
> The Reinvest transaction appears to cope just with a straight-forward  
> reinvestment, where the total dividend is used to purchase extra  
> securities.
> I was expecting to be able to use splits to account for the taxation  
> aspects, however, as I discovered earlier today there is no split  
> capability on reinvestments.
> Further, it appears not possible to create new categories in the  
> split editor, say for a fee.  If a new category is entered, it gets  
> cleared when another field is entered, with no warning.  It's  
> necessary to create the new categories first, then create the splits.
> I'm afraid at the moment, it appears necessary to create multiple  
> transactions to accomplish this.  Not very nice.
> Please would you raise a bug report at https://bugs.kde.org.
I'm really not sure what the problem is.  I do something like this all  
the time.  I enter the shares and price/share to match what was  
actually bought, and then enter the fees.  I don't usually have more  
than one fee to enter, but I just tried it, and it works fine.  In this  
case, I said 1 share at $5, with two taxes, one of $.75 and one of  
$1.50.  Screenshot attached.  I'm using released 4.6.4 on Gentoo Linux.

Stefan - What version of KMM are you running?  Can you submit a screen  
shot of what you see?  I am wondering if this is related to the problem  
of some input fields being hidden for some investment transaction types.

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