[Kmymoney] Needing some guidance about accounts x categories x tags

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Wed Oct 8 17:45:16 UTC 2014


On Wednesday 08 October 2014 14:34:18 Joao Roscoe wrote:

> On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 2:05 PM, Jack <ostroffjh at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> > If there is something there that is confus
> Thank you all for your answers. All of them contributed for my better
> understanding of KMM.
> Jack, I did read most of the manual, and I found it quite clear. However, I
> do have a suggestion: when doing accounting, it is possible to organize
> things in many different ways. Some of those will be more in line with the
> way of thinking of the guys developing the tool (KMM in this case), and
> possibly, doing things in those more aligned ways would minimize the risk
> of being trapped in awkward situations. A good way to give total novices an
> insight of how to setup their initial accounting scheme (and even to give
> them a minimum teaching about accounting), would be including a kind of
> "use cases" or "examples" section in the manual. Something similar to your
> e-mail, but with space for a lot of use cases. Or, maybe, a "use cases"
> topics in KMM forum would better fit the bill, and that would allow
> community contribution - I don't know.

<dream mode>
I still envision someone with the capabilities to create a screencast (video) 
that we can use for exactly that purpose.
</dream mode>
> Thank you (all developers and contributors), very much, for this *really*
> nice tool. I just can't wait for the new version, with tags and the new CSV
> import.

Thank you. As others have mentioned already: if anything is unclear or you 
need advice on how to do certain things: this is the place to ask.



Thomas Baumgart

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