[Kmymoney] not posting entries correctly in two accounts with different currencies

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Wed Nov 26 18:42:41 UTC 2014

Hi Thomas,

a few questions inline:

On Wednesday 26 November 2014 11:32:03 Thomas Spuhler wrote:

> If I post a transfer 25,000 from one account with currency A to another
> account with currency B, I get 0.01 difference in account B than what I put
> in the in the Exchange Rate/Price Editor box
> Example:
> In the top line it shows Amount 25,000
> in the "To Amount" Box I type 27,000.31 and click OK
> I then go to the second account where I would expect to find the 27,000.31,
> but I see 27,000.30, a 0.01 difference

What are the currencies you use in this case?

> Version: KMyMoney-4.12.5

That seems to be the KDE version, not the KMyMoney version. Can you please 
provide the KMyMoney version instead? Thanks.

> All of my e-mails have a valid digital signature
> ID 60114E63

p.s. It seems that this one didn't :(  Mine should have a signature.



Thomas Baumgart

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