[Kmymoney] Investments: Dividend Reversal

Allan agander93 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 13 11:29:45 UTC 2014

>>> This will require an expense dividend category or a transfer account
>>> with an adjusting entry from either of these to the income dividend
>>> category to get the income dividend category to be correct.
>>> What can we do about this?
>> If I understand correctly, you have a conventional dividend, and you
>> wish to enter a balancing dividend with a negative amount?
>> If that is the case, then I'm not sure what the difficulty is, as I am
>> able to do that, both via import and manually.
>> If I enter $-10 as the interest, it immediately shows as a value of
>> $-10. Once the transaction is entered, if the focus is moved, the
>> value in the investment account will appear as $10, but if the focus
>> is returned, the interest amount does show as $-10.  In the Asset
>> account, the two transactions will show as a
>> deposit and a payment.
>> Allan

> You are correct.  I finally realized that after entering and deleting
> the transaction several time.  Is the action from being in and out of
> focus the way this should behave?
> Thanks

I imagine so, although I wasn't around at design time.  Certainly, it 
has been this way as long as I can remember, without query, I believe.

When the transaction in question does not have focus, the amount shown 
is the value of the transaction without taking into account cash-flow 
direction, in the same way as for a Buy and a Sell.  In focus, the 
Interest becomes visible, showing direction.


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