[Kmymoney] Online Quotes

Jochen Schmid jochen at r-ci.de
Sun Nov 10 12:43:44 UTC 2013


I have used boerse-online.de to update the share prices in kmymoney.
They seem to have changed the website layout again. :-(

Single shares are displayed with URL
http://www.boerse-online.de/aktie/Siemens-Aktie, thus ending with a
kind of name of the share. As I understand the mechanism of kmymoney I
need a URL containing the Stock Symbol of the share (in this case:

Has someone managed to get the prices of German shares and bonds into
kmymoney? Is somewhere a tutorial available to get it working?

Thank you, greetings
Jochen Schmid <pflhyfe5 at gmx.net> 

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