[Kmymoney] dealing with investment accounts

aga agander93 at gmail.com
Wed May 22 16:37:58 UTC 2013

On Wed, 22 May 2013 17:49:23 +0200
Gary Kirkpatrick <pegngary at gmail.com> wrote:

> How do I deal with an investment account that is called a Cash
> Management Account?   When I set it up online the institution called
> it an investment acct but since I have never figured out how to
> reconcile them and since we use it for cash so I told KMM it was a
> cash account.  But we did transfer some bonds from the other
> account.  So can I just do this off the cuff and make up a
> transaction for the bond bit or do I need to set up an investment
> acct?  If so, do I then need a brokerage account?   Eesh!
> In any case  I do need to learn how to reconcile investment accts.  Is
> there some document that you'd suggest to guide me?
> thanks
> garyk

I'm not an expert, and others may disagree with some of this, but, that
said, KMM does not handle cash in an investment account - a
separate checking-type account is needed for the cash.  This can be a
brokerage account which is linked to the investment, or a general bank
account.  The bond/security/stock is created in the investment account,
in Investment view.

If, say, you receive a dividend payout, you enter that into the
investment account, and specify  the relevant other account to receive
the payment, and similarly for a purchase, etc.

So far as reconciliation is concerned, and so far as I am aware, that
is relevant only to money accounts, so that would be done in the
brokerage account.



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