[Kmymoney] not downloading data

Jack ostroffjh at sbcglobal.net
Wed May 15 13:55:32 UTC 2013

On 2013.05.15 09:48, Gary Kirkpatrick wrote:
>  I am trying to download from my financial institution.  I worked fine
> earlier but I had two accounts mixed up so the data in one went to the
> other.  So I deleted the account in question and started over  It  
> connects
> or appears to connect to the institution but no transactions are  
> coming
> into the register.  I then realized I had labeled it a cash acct when  
> it
> was an investment acct, deleted it and started again but still nothing
> downloaded into the ledger.  Perhaps there is a limit to the number of
> times you can do this?
I would try to get a log for a better error message.  Per my other  
message, just create an empty file name ofxlog.txt in your home  
directory, and try the download again.  Then look in the file.  You can  
also post it here - but be sure to remove account numbers and passwords  

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