[Kmymoney] 401k

Jack ostroffjh at sbcglobal.net
Thu Mar 7 17:15:57 UTC 2013

On 2013.03.07 11:44, Joseph Quisgard wrote:
> Does anyone have an accurate way of setting up a 401k account in KMY.  
> I have not been able to figure out a decent way of keeping track of  
> this.

I didn't actually track my own 401k until I rolled it over into an IRA,  
but I don't really see any difference.  Just use an Investment account,  
with an associated Brokerage (checking) account.  The investments all  
go as securities in the investment account and all cash transactions go  
in the brokerage account.  The main issue I've found is that you can't  
do OFX imports, since most brokerage firms do not distinguish the  
investment and cash portions as KMM does, so they lump all  
transactions.  I know one of the developers has been working to get the  
csv importer to handle this, but I'm not really sure how far along he  
is, even though I should.  The other option is to do the import, but  
know that some of the transactions will have to be moved to the other  

Minor issues:  most securities (stocks, bonds, mutual funds) map easily  
to KMM securities, and you can automatically fetch prices from one of  
the several available sources for that data.  I've had a small number  
of investments where that didn't work, so I have to manually do price  
updates or value adjustments.

This should be enough to get started - let us  know if you have any  
specific questions or problems.


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