[Kmymoney] maximum amount per transaction

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Fri Jul 26 16:25:14 UTC 2013


On Friday 26 July 2013 10:53:19 Jack wrote:

> On 2013.07.24 16:12, hugo borrell wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > I 've been posting today about splitting meal transaction into "meal"
> > category and "non deductible" category. This is half of the french
> > taxes regulations problem : a meal is not supposed to cost more than
> > a maximum amount (17,70 €) upon wich the "non deductible" part is
> > fixed (4,55 €) and the "meal" category varies between 0 and 13,15  €
> > (17,70 - 4,55).
> > 
> > As a result, if the meal costed more than 17,70 €, the "meal" part of
> > the split is fixed to the maximum (13,15 €) and the rest of the
> > transaction is "non deductible".
> > 
> > Of course, I guess it might be hard to develop such tricky rules, but
> > *is there a way to set an alert of some sort if the "meal" part
> > overpass the maximum tolerated amout of 13,15 € ?*
> I agree with Thomas that there is no current way to set an interactive
> alert like this.  (I have no idea whether the plugin framework even
> allows for something like this.)  However, you might be able to create
> a report that displays any transactions that have an amount over the
> limit, and you could check that on a regular basis.
> However, for a transaction that does exceed the limit, would you want
> two splits or three?  If you start with the split for the 4,55 fixed
> amount, then when you look at the remaining total for the meal, if it
> is under the limit, you are done.  If it is over the limit, you set
> that split to 13,15, and then put the remaining amount to a third split
> to the "non deductible" category.

I don't think a third split is needed. To me it looks like there are three 

meal price in the range 0 .. 4,55:

  one split with the full amount to the non-deductable category

meal price in the range 4,55 .. 17,70:

  one split with 4,55 to the non-deductable category
  remainder to the full amount to the deductable category

meal price beyond 17,70

  one split with 13,15 to the deductable category
  remainder to the full amount to the non-deductable category



Thomas Baumgart

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